v0.3.1 - March 18, 2025
New features
Permissionless deployments
Anyone can interact with the Clanker factory contract to create clankers. Creators may deploy directly from the contract, while new interfaces can be built on top of the contracts permissionlessly.
Social context & mutable metadata
Creators and interfaces may pass in social context (e.g. references to Farcaster casts or X posts) during their deployments, which is immutable and can serve as a link to the origin of the deployment.
Metadata such as references to the websites or social media profiles for tokens may be added as well. The metadata for tokens is mutable and can be updated by the token's admin (typically the creator).
Creator vaults
Creators may optionally allocate up to 30% of the token supply to the creator vault at time of deployment. Creators can set the unlock time on the vault, but there is a hard minimum of 30 days. After such time has passed, creators can claim the vaulted tokens from the vault.
Deployments with creator vaults are supported through the Clanker API.
Creator buys
Creators may optionally send ETH during the token deployment transaction to purchase the token they are creating. This occurs after the the optional creator vault allocation is sent to the vault.
Deployments with creator buys are not yet supported through the Clanker API.
This upgrade marks the change from v0.3.0 to v0.3.1 contracts. Please refer to Deployed Contracts for the list of contracts. At this transition period, deployments through the v0.3.0 token factory will be deprecated. Presales will be deprecated and are not supported in v0.3.1.
The following endpoints will be deprecated:
Standard Deployment w/Custom Reward Splits
If you are currently using this endpoint, please contact our team for alternative deployment solutions using the Standard Deployment endpoint.
Last updated